Elon Musk Announces The Boring Company’s next project – Bangalore’s Silk Board Junction


Silk Board Junction has been a nightmare for daily commuters across the city. The junction is the LTCP in whole Bangalore. LTCP is the terms given by commuters who take this route and it stands for Least Traffic Crawling Point.



Bangalore stands among the Top cities with 7.2 Million vehicles on road. Number of vehicles in Bangalore has risen by mind-boggling 6099% in 40 years.

Elon Musk on responding to a news piece he came across about Bangalore last December, announced the project. The project would be funded by Tesla Holdings, Karnataka Govt., 7 business/tech parks,  and Crowdfunding by Bangalorians as a Token of Thanks to Musk.


The Project would involve not only the tunnel dug by The Boring Company but would have 970 Tesla cars that would work in the tunnel. As the roads do not have the possibility for an opening for cars to get into the tunnel, Elon has proposed for Metro-Like structure near Silk Board and would be linked to different business parks. The commuters would be able to book the ride via OLA Share.

As per reports, the Tech/ Business Parks that have confirmed the involvement in the project are RMZ, Word Trade Center, Embassy Golf Links, Baghmane Tech Park,  Manyata Tech Park, Prestige Tech Park II, and Global Village Tech Park.


Bangalorians have criticized the govt. for not increasing the frequency and locations of Bangalore Metro and have welcomed the new project by The Boring Company.


However, few people have shown the concern that now they would not have the ‘traffic’ excuse for reaching late at work. Meanwhile, Companies have appreciated the move by Musk.


The project is proposed to start by mid-March 2019 and is likely to be completed by July 2022.


Image Sources – Internet

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