After TV, AC Kanika Kapoor demands Jacuzzi in her hospital suite

Baby doll singer, Kanika Kapoor made into news after attending a party organized in Lucknow which was attended by political leaders as well. She has been tested positive for COVID – 19 on Friday and has been quarantined in the Lucknow hospital. The singer has a travel history of visiting London recently. Kanika has complained... Continue Reading →

JUST IN – Marvel Cinematic Universe to announce an exclusive movie on Tony Stark and Ms. Pepper Potts

2020 is going to be an exciting year for Iron Man fans as MCU is about to announce an exclusive movie on the love-hate relationship of Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts. The story line would include the first meeting between young Tony and Pepper till “I love you 3000” (we are not crying, you’re).  ... Continue Reading →

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